Sherry Weiner

Silver Beaver 2015

Like many Scouter’s, Sherry’s 16-years (and counting) service to youth in the Northeast Iowa Council began in a Cub Scout Pack. She jumped in feet-first, serving for 5 years as a Cubmaster. She then began service on the troop committee for 5 years. It was during this timeframe that she realized that multi-tasking with Scouting jobs allows for even more fun. As a result, she began a 10-year term as Assistant Roundtable Commissioner.

The scope of involvement for Sherry continued to increase. For the past 9 years, she has conducted FOS presentations for many units in the Dubuque district. During this timeframe, she has also served for 3 years as a Venturing Crew Assistant Adviser. She followed that by serving for the past 5 years as the Venturing Crew Adviser. As part of this experience, she has provided adult leadership to youth in the Boundary Waters and the Florida Sea Base. Her Venture Crew Leadership has not kept her from serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster since 2008.

Sherry’s Scouting contributions have not gone unappreciated. In 2012 she was the recipient of the Boy Scouter of the Year award. Perhaps more importantly, she has received Mentor pins from boys who have earned the Eagle Scout rank.

With Sherry’s involvement in many facets of the Scouting program, she recognized long ago that being trained was important to her success in delivering a quality program to youth. She has received two Boy Scout Leader training awards and completed Wood Badge training in 2010.

Sherry is of course a familiar face to her unit, her crew, and to district roundtable participants. She is also familiar to Timmeu lodge members and is a regular participant in spring and fall work weekends and the Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast.

In addition to her Scouting involvement, Sherry was a past volunteer at the Dubuque Senior Booster Club and on committees at Finley Hospital in Dubuque.