Eagle Scout – Adam Mueller

Name: Adam Mueller

Hometown: Sherrill, Iowa

Troop: 94

Eagle Project Location: Scenic overlook near Balltown, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Adam built a handicapped covered picnic table that rests on a concrete slab next to the Balltown scenic overlook. He also added a bike rack to the area.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Being an Eagle Scout means a lot. It shows that you have the capability to be great, to be a leader and that you are an amazing individual.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future? Earning the rank of Eagle helped me become a leader. It taught me to take charge of my life and how important it is to better others, which I intend to do for as long as possible.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? Work hard and don’t procrastinate. Also, stay involved, Scouting has been the best thing for me and helped me be the person I am today.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory. It’s very hard to pick a favorite, but I think I would have to share my experience at Philmont. I was only going into high school and was the youngest in my crew. Not only did Philmont push my limits, but it allowed me to grow as an individual and as a Scout as I was able to work on my leadership skills, while still having a great time.