Eagle Scout – Austin Brimeyer

Name: Austin Brimeyer

Hometown: Peosta, Iowa

Troop: 5

Eagle Project Location: Peosta Community Centre in Peosta, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Austin installed a cement pad and built a covered table and a bench on the pad at the Peosta, Iowa ball field.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you?  Me becoming an Eagle Scout means that the hark work I’ve put in has paid off. I’m now a true example for other Scouts to look up to and set a goal to achieve.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future?  Throughout Scouting, I’ve learned a lot and with topping that with an Eagle Scout experience, it really made me a better person. I will both benefit from what I’ve learned but also pass it on too.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts?  To simply stick to it when times get hard and boring you have to stay strong. Always look straight and up like the flight of an arrow. You will succeed and fail, but true success is getting back up and continuing what you’ve started.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.  My most vivid memory would have to be the fun I’d experienced at Jambo. But before that I set a goal, to go to Jambo as an Eagle. So, my favorite memory would have to be me completing my Eagle Court of Honor knowing that I achieved my goal.