Eagle Scout – Robert Klinkhammer

Name: Robert Klinkhammer

Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa

Troop: 69

Eagle Project Location: Firehouses in Dubuque and Key West, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Robert built cement bases and placed memorial benches on them at every Firehouse in the Dubuque and Key West area.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Becoming an Eagle Scout was one of the biggest dreams of my life. I remember being a Tiger cub and seeing and hearing about Eagle Scouts. I looked up to them. To me they were the person I strived to be, a role model. And now that I myself am an Eagle Scout I know that I am the person those kids look up to. And now it’s my job to model and help shape the youth into the men that they need to be.

How did earning the Eagle Scout rank prepare you for the future? Not only did Scouts teach me valuable lessons and skills, it also forged strong bonds and created endless stories. The bonds that I have made in Scouts will last forever and the things that I have learned I will not only use for the betterment of my future, but also teach to further generations.

What surprised you about the Eagle Scout path? The thing that surprised me most about Scouts is how strong the bond to Scouts is. There were people of all ages who still had such a strong connection to Scouts and carried its values far into their life. Some people I met were 3rd or 4th generation Scouts. It shows just how important Scouts is. The impact it has on the community is huge.