Eagle Scout – Ted Kruse

Name: Ted Kruse
Troop: 94
Eagle Project Location: Countries without access to wheelchairs

Eagle Project Description: Ted collected wheelchairs from multiple locations, leaned, stored and eventually loaded and sent to the restoration center. The wheelchairs will be distributed to countries where individuals do not have access to such devices.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? To me, being an Eagle Scout means embodying the Scout Oath and Laws everyday in everything I do, and using it to make myself a better person.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future? It taught me patience, leadership and work ethic. Throughout my journey to Eagle I picked up may valuable skills and built good relationships.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? Don’t put off your project! Everyone will tell you this, and for good reason. There is no reason to wait until crunch time to work on your project, and any badges you have yet to complete.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory. A favorite Scouting memory of mine was summiting Mt. Baldy at Philmont with my brother and the rest of my crew. After most of our trek, we had all become closer and it felt great to reach the peak together.