Name: Walker Wernimont
Troop: 94
Eagle Project Location: University of Iowa Children’s Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa
Eagle Project Description: Walker created 30 fabric tie blankets and donated them to the Iowa Children’s Hospital in Iowa City.
What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Being an Eagle Scout means being a leader, the ideal Scout, a role model.
How did earning the rank prepare you for the future? Becoming an Eagle Scout taught me time management, leadership skills, and how to manage a budget.
What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? Don’t rush, don’t procrastinate. Work with people, let them help you.
Please share a favorite Scouting memory. Four years ago I chipped my teeth on a camp out at the Dyersville Sportsmans club. I jumped off a merry go round and another scout turned and hit my two front teeth out. It wasn’t until in November at my Eagle Scout Court of Honor that my parents knew what actually happened. A guest speaker talked about this event and my parents were confused.