Eagle Scout Wesley Devaney

Troop: 34
Eagle Project Location: Manchester Fish Hatchery in Manchester, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Wesley rebuilt a kiosk and canopy at the Manchester Fish Hatchery.  Wes led his team to remove the old structure, digging, leveling and pouring concrete for a new cement pad. They then constructed a much larger structure with cover and added a larger display board for the DNR to highlight as much information as possible.

What does the accomplishment of earning the Eagle Scout Rank mean to you?

Reaching Eagle is not the end. It is one step in the stairs of life. The best is yet to come from me. 

If you had to describe your entire Scouting experience with just one word, what word would you choose? Why?

Eventful, there is always something going on. 

In today’s world, where leadership in crucial, how do you believe the values and skills you’ve gained as an Eagle Scout can make a difference?

If there were no leaders in this world nothing would get done.

By doing your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people?

Have a plan A, B, C. Hope for the best expect the worse. Be ready for everything. Be prepared.

What advice would you give to younger Scout who aspire to become Eagle Scouts?

Go big or go home. The only hard part about getting Eagle is the paper work. Make a name for yourself, do something difficult.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.

The whole thing.