Portfolio Categories: 2017 Eagle Scout Highlight

Eagle Scout Wesley Miller

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Name: Wesley Miller Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa Troop: 69 Eagle Project Location: Mud Lake Park in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Wesley built a butterfly garden, a bluebird house, a bench and a sign at Mud Lake Park. What […]

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Eagle Scout Addison Kalb

Name: Addison Kalb Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa Troop: 94 Eagle Project Location: YMCA Union Park Camp in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Addison built a giant checkerboard set and installed a concrete surface area for the board at the YMCA Union Park Camp. What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you?  Being an Eagle Scout means […]

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Eagle Scout Dylan Gadberry

Name: Dylan Gadberry Hometown: Luxemburg, Iowa Troop: 88 Eagle Project Location: Audubon Elementary School in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Dylan built a butterfly garden as well as a “Book House” as part of the Audobon Elementary School’s outdoor learning lab. What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you?  Being an Eagle Scout mans exemplifying […]

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Eagle Scout John Grant

Name: John Grant Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa Troop: 11 Eagle Project Location: Habitat for Humanity in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: John built a retaining wall at a newly constructed residence for Habitat for Humanity. This will support the landscape and control occurring erosion of adjacent property.

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Eagle Scout Jamal Cheatham

Name: Jamal Cheatham Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa Troop: 11 Eagle Project Location: YMCA Camp in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Jamal repaired and cleared out a trail at the YMCA Camp that runs between the swimming pool and the cabin. He also replaced existing stairs and installed additional stairs made of railroad ties. He then buried the […]

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Eagle Scout Brandon Jenkins

Name: Brandon Jenkins Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa Troop: 48 Eagle Project Location: Jackson Park and Asbury Park in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Brandon built, stocked, and placed “little free libraries” in Jackson Park and Asbury Park in Dubuque, Iowa.

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Eagle Scout Timothy Tindle

Name: Timothy Tindle Hometown: Guttenberg, Iowa Troop: 88 Eagle Project Location: New Wine Park in New Vienna, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Timothy built two single chamber bat boxes and 2 bat nursery houses on poles and place one in the picnic area and one in the camping area of the New Wine Park in New Vienna, IA. […]

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Eagle Scout – Ian Skrivseth

Name: Ian Skrivseth Hometown: Bellevue, Iowa Troop: 86 Eagle Project Location: Bellevue, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Ian coordinated a seminar on distracted driving for the middle school and high school students in Bellevue, IA. Ian arranged for guest speakers and recorded the seminar onto the school website along with a copy on a flash drive. What does […]

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Eagle Scout – Noah Crumpton

Name: Noah Crumpton Hometown: Manchester, Iowa Troop: 34 Eagle Project Location: Backbone State Park in Dundee, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Noah excavated 14″ of top soil and assembled and installed playground equipment in Backbone state Park and surrounded the equipment with a sand base.

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Eagle Scout – Caleb Marting

Name: Caleb Marting Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa Troop: 94 Eagle Project Location: Dubuque Regional Humane Society in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Caleb built reinforced shelving units and supplied bins to organize the volunteer area at the Dubuque Human Society’s new location. What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you?  It’s a great culmination of my […]

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