Community is very important to Scouting!
As a non-profit organization, the Northeast Iowa Council, Scouting America relies on the generosity of charitable donations to support its ongoing operations and future capital expenses. Each gift, regardless of size, provides invaluable funding for Scouting America programs that benefit Scouts throughout our local Council. Thanks to supporters like you, Scouting America helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that will influence their adult lives. Eagle Projects are just one area where Scouting gives back to the community.
How can I help financial support Scouting?
Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting (FOS) is the annual fundraising drive conducted by Scouting America throughout councils nationwide. FOS helps to generate the dollars needed to fund our local Scouting program in the Northeast Iowa Council. The NEIC spends $503 per year to deliver the Scouting program to all Scouts. Now, more than ever, Scouting needs your help to sustain its character building programs. As a private, non-profit organization, your gift to Scouting is always tax-deductible.

You can support Scouting by buying popcorn of course! This is a simple way to donate to the NEIC, no matter your budget. Our Annual Popcorn Sale kicks off in late September and lasts through late October. Deliveries are made in early November, so it is a perfect snack to share at your family holiday gatherings.

Special Events
The Eagle Scout Brunch is a celebration of the prior year’s Eagle Scouts as well as an opportunity to recognize the newest NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recipient! This is a great opportunity to sponsor an Eagle Scout for the Brunch.
The Camp C.S. Klaus Golf Outing is held each June at Lone Pine Country Club in Colesburg, Iowa. Support Scouting through golfing or sponsoring the outing.
The Scouting Golf Classic is held each July at Thunder Hills Country Club in Peosta, Iowa. Sponsorships and teams are available to support Scouting.
The Bourbon, Bowties & Boas event is an intimate event for bourbon enthusiasts. Held each October, it is a great chance to mingle and taste test a variety of bourbons.

Camp Cards
Camp Cards are discount cards to local stores, restaurants, and services. The cards are available to purchase through area Scouts or at the Council Service Center. Cards are sold annually March through April.

Useful Items Wanted
Occasionally individuals, companies, etc. have “gifts in kind” or items they no longer need that may be of use to the NEIC. Useful items for program areas of Camp C.S. Klaus are listed below. The Council will provide a letter thanking you for the donation that can be used to deduct the value of the items from your taxes after consulting with your own tax professional. To donate, please call the Council Service Center at 563.556.4343.

Memorial & Tribute Fund
Words too often do not express the sentiment we feel at the death of a friend. No finer tribute can be paid than to encourage a youth to live the life of a Scout, and thus perpetuate the high principles you admire in your friend or family member. A contribution to the Scouting Permanent Endowment Tribute Fund is the perfect tribute. The Permanent Endowment Tribute Fund crosses all lines of religion and wealth. It warms the hearts of all involved.
Contact the Council Service Center for more information.

Endowment Fund
Want to help support Scouting for years to come? Consider giving a major gift to the Northeast Iowa Council’s endowment fund. Your gift will add to the locally managed fund, and will help ensure proper maintenance & upkeep of our camps, facilities, and equipment. There are four levels of membership.

Employer match
Check if your employer matches your donation or your volunteer hours!
If your company doesn’t come up – be sure to check with your human resource department.
Where does my contribution to the Northeast Iowa Council go?
The NEIC uses local financial resources such as the Friends of Scouting Campaign monetary donations, popcorn sales, camping, council activities, special events, and Trading Post sales to support its operations. In return the Council professional staff provide many services to units, including:
- Behind the scene organization, planning, and support.
- Leader training at all levels are offered throughout the Council and Districts.
- Recruitment & support materials, including the newsletter, website, online calendar and registration system, all mailings, and other communication materials.
- The maintenance of two camping facilities, camperships, and activities that support Scouting’s primary programs, like day and overnight camps for Cub Scouts and summer camp for Scouts BSA members.
- Record keeping for unit membership & advancement, along with help processing new Eagle Scout applications.
- District and Council activities like Camporees, Cub-A-Ree, Pinewood Derby, Saints Night, Merit Badge University, etc.
To contribute, contact the Council Service Center at 563.556.4343 or 800.866.2721 to donate with your credit card. You can also mail your gift to:
Northeast Iowa Council – FOS
P.O. Box 732
Dubuque, IA 52004