Amy Henry – Volunteer Spotlight

The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Amy Henry as a Spotlight Volunteer! Amy  currently serves as the  Cubmaster for Pack 41. This is her 5th year in Scouting and has served as a den leader and assistant Cubmaster.

Amy has two sons, Ryder and Raylan. A dog, Tank; and four cats, Jack, Wilson, Rizzo, and Noel, also roam her home.

What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?
Be involved. This program doesn’t work without help from parents or other adult caregivers.

What have you learned through Scouting?
Don’t count your parent volunteers out. When you need them to step up, they will help you and take some if the load off your shoulders.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.
In past summers, we took our Scouts to Wyalusing State Park in Wisconsin to the observatory to complete an astronomy unit. While there, we were able to see four planets, the moon, a star cluster, the space station, and a solar flare. The kids enjoyed it just as much as the parents did.

Our fall of 2018 recruitment saw our pack’s enrollment number double with the addition of girls. While talking with some of my girl Cub Scouts, I had asked them what they would like to see with the program. They couldn’t come up with any new suggestions because they love what they’ve been doing and learning.

On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Amy Henry!