Jim Neumeister

Silver Beaver 2015

Jim Neumeister began his Scouting career 16 years ago when his son joined Scouting. During his tenure as an adult leader, Jim served in many roles that involved direct contact with the Scouts. This includes 12 years as an Assistant Scoutmaster. In between this span of service was a 4-year period where he served as Scoutmaster. During his term as Scoutmaster, 16 boys earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Annual troop membership grew from 42 to 62 boys.

Jim served as an adult adviser on 8 High Adventure Trips, either with his own troop or as the Council Contingent leader. In 2013, he served as Scoutmaster for the Northeast Iowa Council contingent to the National Scout Jamboree. He has also served on the Council’s High Adventure Planning Committee.

Other leadership responsibilities that Jim has accepted include serving on the District Eagle Scout Board of Review committee as well as serving on the Scouting for Food Committee. The outstanding record of leadership he has demonstrated didn’t come without seeking out training for himself. He completed Wood Badge training in 2008.

Past contributions of Jim are noteworthy. He was awarded the Boy Scouter of the Year in 2009.; he was nominated for the Hall of Leadership recognition in 2010; he received the District Award of Merit in 2012.

In addition to his Boy Scout involvement, Jim has volunteered with his daughter’s Girl Scout activities. He has supported the Dubuque Youth Ballet. He is a past president of the Dubuque Tennis Association and is a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.