Andrew Lange

Dellaykee Cub Scouter of the Year – 2015

Andrew Lange is Eagle Scout who has re-energized what was essentially a dying Cub Pack. His energy and enthusiasm has more than doubled the number of boys in the Pack in one year. He serves as both a Cubmaster and a Den Leader for the Wolves.

Remarkably, Andrew’s commitment to Scouting isn’t limited to serving dual roles in his own Pack. He is a member of the District Key 5. He assists with fundraising. He has helped with recruitment nights for other packs. In his “free time” he serves on the Board of Review for his troop.

Andrew’s service to his community is noteworthy. He serves on the City Council. He is heading a committee to bring more recreational opportunities to his community.  He is a lector at his church. He also sings in the choir.