Jenna Gacioch

Jenna Gacioch has brought energy and enthusiasm to the Scout community since her son joined a Cub Scout Pack. Her commitment in the District Training Team is not new, but her involvement has increased. In the words of the District Training Chairman, “Jenna offers great new ideas to help the district”.

Jenna has been instrumental in training leaders with the new Cub Scout program. She has also, in the past year, served as chair for the District Pinewood Derby. Tasks that she accepted as chair for the Cub Scout Fun Night and Boy Scout Lock-in included rounding up volunteers, food, activities, and making extra effort to ensure that all attendees had a good time.

Jenna’s involvement was not limited to District activities. This 2015 Scouting Spirit Award recipient remains active in her son’s Pack. The boys in her son’s den, not to mention the parents of these boys, can be grateful that their den leader agreed to stay with the boys and bring her enthusiasm and commitment this year as the Webelos leader.