Zachary Smith

Name: Zachary Smith

Troop: 39

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Being an Eagle Scout means the ending of a fun adventure and some memories. But although my time is done working to achieve Eagle I will always follow the Scout Law & Scout Oath to help other Scouts and other people. Becoming an Eagle Scout means the most to me and is the greatest thing I have accomplished.

How did earning the Eagle Scout rank prepare you for the future? Earning the Eagle rank helped me get a job faster, but more importantly it helped me learn how to be on top of the ball for things and staying on track. It helps you be prepared for anything; it teaches you to help others out. And, if you can’t help, then just be a good friend.

What surprised you about the Eagle Scout path? I was surprised by the hard work it actually takes to achieve the rank, whether it is the project itself or the paperwork.

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