Eagle Scout – Michael Feldmann

Name: Michael Feldmann
Troop: 30
Eagle Project Location: Hopkinton City Parks and Hopkinton Cemetery in Hopkinton, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Michael removed the posts at two city parks and the cemetery. He replaced and repainted the broken and chipped posts giving a much needed update.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Being an Eagle Scout means being helpful in my community and growing as a man. Also being an active member in my society. It shows all the hard work I have put into Scouting.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future? It helped me learn many skills like being prepared and being organized. Taught me how to keep records and will help me prepare for my future.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? Get it done when you’re younger. Don’t wait two weeks before you turn 18 to turn your paperwork done.

<b>Please share a favorite Scouting memory. </b>Going to the Boundary Waters with the Cedar Falls troop and watching people, including me tip their canoes.