Eagle Scout – Caleb Marting

Name: Caleb Marting

Hometown: Dubuque, Iowa

Troop: 94

Eagle Project Location: Dubuque Regional Humane Society in Dubuque, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Caleb built reinforced shelving units and supplied bins to organize the volunteer area at the Dubuque Human Society’s new location.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you?  It’s a great culmination of my Scouting career, but just a start to my life and future achievements. It will help me succeed in my coming years.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future?  I’ve already had multiple people comment on my rank during interviews and other interactions. The rank isn’t just for bragging rights though. The lessons that I’ve learned will make a huge difference in my life. From operating my own business, to providing first-aid in an emergency.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? Knives aren’t the best part of Scouting (though they are fun). When you work hard to distinguish yourself from the rest of the flock, people will take notice. Stay focused and don’t procrastinate!

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.  I don’t have a favorite memory necessarily, but my favorite experience is all the times members of my troop would get together for a game of Risk under the lantern lights.