Jason Pline – Volunteer Spotlight

The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Jason Pline as a Spotlight Volunteer! Jason currently serves as the Scoutmaster for Troop 5 in his 38th year of Scouting. He was awarded the Scouting Spirit Award for Troop 5 in 2020.

Jason and his wife Barb have three kids (Ben, Nate and Kaylee) along with two dogs (Macy and Charlie). Outside of Scouts, Jason works at John Deere. When he is not working he volunteers as a baseball coach. In his downtime, he skis and spends quality time with his family.

What motivates you to give your time to Scouting?
When I received my Eagle Scout award, Dick Elliott gave me my Eagle charge and it has stuck with me all this time. Try to give back to Scouting what it has given to you. I don’t think that this will ever be possible, but it’s something I strive for daily. I also want my kids to have the same opportunities that I had to experience the outdoors and all it has to offer.

What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?
Watching the Scouts grow. You can see the shy kids develop their leadership and communication skills and become a key contributor to society. Scouting teaches that things don’t always go as expected, be prepared for what ever life brings you. I also enjoy watching a group of kids that might not fit into certain clicks develop confidence and form a productive team. Scouts affords them that opportunity to excel in mental, physical and social events that they otherwise would not attempt.

What have you learned through Scouting?
Leadership, hands down. Scouts teach you to be a leader, not a follower. I always reference being the person that runs towards the fires not away. When things happen do you engage or step back? Scouts engage the situation and lead in the face of adversity.

What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?
Participate. Help where you can and be a part of your child’s life. It will build relationships that you never thought were possible. At the same time step back and let them make mistakes to learn. I have developed far more skills and memories from the times I screwed up than the times I succeeded.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.
Philmont. I learned so much about myself during that trip and tested physical and mental boundaries. That was the tipping point in my Scouting life where we all grew up and became leaders and respect was earned.

On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Jason Pline!