Kevin Eipperle Volunteer Spotlight

The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Kevin Eipperle as a Spotlight Volunteer! Kevin currently serves as the council nominating committee chairperson, Architecture & Structural Engineering Exploring Post sponsor, and Jamboree committee chair. He spent 10 years as a Scout in his youth and 27 years in Scouting as an adult.

Kevin and his wife Kris have three children they are proud of: two sons, Bryce and Chance, and one daughter, Miranda.  Outside of Scouting Kevin is the President of FEH DESIGN Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers. In his free time, Kevin enjoys art, hiking, fishing, traveling, and creating.

What motivates you to give your time to Scouting?
A few things: Giving back what I was given by the leaders who helped me as a youth is one. Another is seeing Scouts grow from kids to leaders and teammates. Watching them go from tenderfoots to teachers and mentors of others.

What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?
Everyone is on the first team and everybody plays. It is character building and teaches so many skills.

What have you learned through Scouting?
Leadership, brotherhood, how to build a good fire, the joy you feel to serve others, mostly though, the impact that a couple hours of my time can have on the lives of others.

What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?
The best advice is to get involved, you are going to learn a lot right along side your children and the other Scouts. Take on the leadership positions and get trained so it is an awesome experience for everyone.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.
My first trip to Philmont was with my oldest son. He did not want to go, I “made him” go. When we were sitting on top of Baldy Mountain, he said you were right, I am really glad I came.

On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Kevin Eipperle!