Name: William Draus
Hometown: Bellevue, Iowa
Troop: 86
Eagle Project Location: St. Joseph’s Church Cemetery in Bellevue, Iowa
Eagle Project Description: William removed a dozen large shrubs and three trees along the north edge of St. Joseph’s Church Cemetery in Bellevue. He replaced the shrubbery with 4 Cleveland Pear trees.
What is your proudest achievement on your path to becoming an Eagle Scout? My greatest achievement on my path to becoming Eagle was completing the NYLT program. This opportunity allowed me a chance to enhance my leadership skills and communication with others.
How did earning the rank prepare you for the future? Earning this rank helped me grow a lot as an individual by developing my maturity, helping me relate to others in a more positive and productive way.
What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? Just stick with it. It will be worth it.