The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Brian Graham as a Spotlight Volunteer! Brian received the Dubuque District Cub Scouter of the Year award for 2017!
Brian started in Scouting as a Cub Scout leader in 2008 when he became a Tiger Den Leader. Since then, his service to the Pack continues to expand. He has served as Den Leader, Webelos Leader, Committee Member, and for the past 3 years as Cubmaster.
A few years ago the church that chartered the school where the pack met closed the school, and subsequently the Pack lost their meeting location. Undeterred, Brian joined his pack with a neighboring pack and joint meetings were held. The results of his efforts rejuvenated a pack of around 5 boys to one almost three times that size. Cub Scouts in his pack have enjoyed participating in parades and attending activities such as Webelos camp at Camp Klaus. This leader has even welcomed boys from another pack to join his Pack at Camp Klaus when they were unable to secure a leader for the event.
Brian’s involvement is not limited to unit-level activities. Brian is a Woodbadge-trained leader, serves on the Council’s Marketing committee, and is an Assistant Scoutmaster.
On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Brian Graham!