Chris Zehr – Volunteer Spotlight

The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Chris Zehr as a Spotlight Volunteer! Chris currently serves as Troop 34’s Committee Chair. He has been involved with Scouting for 18 years, serving as a den leader, pack committee chair, troop committee member, scoutmaster and troop committee chair.

Chris and his wife, Angie, have 3 Eagle Scout sons – Jeremy, Alex, and Caleb. Their daughter, Madelynn, is in Girl Scouts and has earned her bronze award and is working toward her silver award. Outside of Scouting, Chris volunteers with the West Delaware school music department, as well as spending free time reading and camping.

What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?

Eagle Board of Reviews. I enjoy seeing the Scouts go through the review, watching, listening and seeing who they have become through their involvement in Scouts.


What is one of your favorite Scouting memories?

Watching the lake at camp go from empty to full in a short period of time, which then meant hiking over the dam to get out of camp. Another favorite memory is sitting around the campfire in Bloody Ridge looking up at the night sky full of stars.

What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?

Try to find time to be involved, even if it is only once a month or once a year.

On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Chris.