Eagle Scout – Elliott Meyer

Name: Elliott Meyer

Hometown: Edgewood, Iowa

Troop: 28

Eagle Project Location: Bixby State Preserve in Edgewood, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Elliott dismantled an old, collapsed bathroom at Bixby State Preserve. He took the rock from the bathroom and built stairs at the beginning of a trail that leads to Steamboat Rock, making it more accessible to the visitors.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Being an Eagle Scout means being a leader in my community. It means to live out the Scout law in my life and guide me through my challenges in the years to come.

How did earning the Eagle Scout rank prepare you for the future? Boy Scouts has taught me many skills, but the most important were the leadership skills I learned throughout my career in Scouting.

What surprised you about the Eagle Scout path? I was surprised by how many friendships I made throughout my career in Scouts and how many connections I made and will continue to make in my lifetime.