Eagle Scout – Kyle Guenther

Name: Kyle Guenther
Hometown: Bellevue, Iowa
Troop: 86
Eagle Project Location: Bellevue State Park in Bellevue, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Kyle built a kiosk at the north trail entrance to Bellevue State Park which included two information boards, attached to wood poles placed in a concrete, stone-veneered base.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you? Being an Eagle Scout means you exude the values and ideals that Scouting stands for. Among the 12 points of the Scout law, it also means being timely, being a leader, and being an upstanding citizen.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future? I learned vast amounts of leadership skills, time and resource management skills, and an overall sense of accomplishment that will give me the confidence and drive that will lead me to a successful future.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts? I would say that the most important piece of advice would be to stay faithful and think of the end goal. It may get tough along the way, and it’s easy to quit, but if you keep at it, the results are worth it.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory. My favorite Scouting memory would be my trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in the summer of 2016 with my troop members. The entire experience, from the backpacking to the intense mountain climbs, I really enjoyed being one with the landscape and doing some things I never had done before in a rugged and exciting environment.