Eagle Scout – Trae Meyer

Name: Trae Meyer

Hometown: Dyersville, Iowa

Troop: 60

Eagle Project Location: Dyersville Sportsman’s Club outside of Dyersville, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Trae rebuilt the old play set at the Dyersville Sportsman’s Club. After digging out the area he also added mulch.

What does being an Eagle Scout mean to you?  It is the most important thing I have accomplished in my life thus far. I am very proud of my project.

How did earning the rank prepare you for the future?  Throughout all of my Scouting career I have learned more than I could have very imagined. It truly prepared me for my future.

What advice would you give to younger Scouts who aspire to become Eagle Scouts?  Work hard and start early. Also have some fun at every outing you go to.