Erin Schmelzer – Volunteer Spotlight

The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Erin Schmelzer as a Spotlight Volunteer! Erin currently serves as the committee chair for Troop 40. Prior to that, she served as a committee member for the troop for 5 years.

Erin and her husband of 19 years have two boys (ages 14 and 17) and a girl who is almost 3. Outside of Scouting Erin has worked at a Catholic elementary school since 2009. Most of her time is devoted to her family, her school family, or her Scouting family. Having 2 teenage boys and a toddler doesn’t leave a lot of extra time for hobbies. The Schmelzer family enjoys anything outdoors, kayaking, camping, biking, hiking and sitting around a campfire with family and friends.

What motivates you to give your time to Scouting?

We have become a Scouting family. My husband is an Assistant Scout Master and goes on all the camping weekends. I am always the mom that likes to be involved, volunteering to drive for activities, pick up supplies, getting paperwork done or chaperoning events. No doubt that Scouting has influenced my boys to be great, responsible, independent young men as they are growing up. Every boy deserves a healthy and safe environment to be a part of a group that can help influence them to become a better person.

What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?

Seeing the boys become friends and growing from little boys into young men, that are leading that next group of little boys. The camaraderie between them as they camp and spend time together is priceless.

Share a favorite Scouting memory.

Anytime the boys are cooking at a camp out. I asked the boys if they go home and cook for their families. One boy said no, my parents have higher standard.

What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?

Our boys were not Cub Scouts. Our oldest son joined Scouts when he was 12 years old, because one of his friends invited him to join. He has worked hard to become an Eagle Scout. Scouting is definitely something that you get out of it, what you put into it.

On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Erin Schmelzer!