Ken Fonck – Volunteer Spotlight

The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Ken Fonch as a Spotlight Volunteer! Ken  currently serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 94 where he is the leader for the first year Scouts. He has been involved in Scouting for 20 years serving in many roles including Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster and Cubmaster for Pack 68.

Outside of Scouting, Ken enjoys going camping.

What motivates you to give your time to Scouting?
I feel like I got a lot out of Scouting as a youth, and I enjoy giving back to Scouting now.

What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?
Watching the first year Scouting grow up to be older Scouting in our Troop.

Share a favorite Scouting memory.
Camping on an island while canoeing on the Wisconsin River and waking up in the river.

What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?
Get involved in the Scouting program when you can, no matter how small your involvement may be.