The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Lisa Bolsinger as a Spotlight Volunteer! Lisa currently serves as the Assistant Cubmaster and Popcorn Kernel for Pack 40 as well as the Charter Chair and Scouting For Food Coordinator for both Pack and Troop 40. She has been involved in Scouting for eleven years.
Lisa in incredibly proud of her son Joe. Outside of Scouting Lisa is the Bakery/Deli Manager at Benders Foods in Guttenberg. She also Volunteers as needed for St. John’s Church.
What motivates you to give your time to Scouting?
My son started me in the Scouting adventure, I believe in the program and all that it can be if executed properly. I saw it with my child as his den leader and now he is a senior at Clayton Ridge and will earn his Eagle Scout rank soon. Out of the 4 Scouts, including my son, that I had since 1st grade, 3 will earn their Eagle. I have seen them advance and become respectful and productive citizens.
What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?
Seeing the little Scouts proud smiling faces when they learn something new, and watching them advance and grow.
What have you learned through Scouting?
I have learned even more ways to teach kids things through fun and play. Scouting stays with that child for life and does make a difference. Last but not least, I learned how to tie many knots.
What advice can you give to new Scouting parents?
Sports are great, my son does a lot of them, but Scouting is for life with so many levels of learning; we do way more than camp and sell popcorn. We have such a short time to instill values in our children, Scouting is a great way to carve out time to do this and spend quality time together. Sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming but stick with it, so worth it in the end.
Please share a favorite Scouting memory.
Doing a very long skit with 20 kids in the pack, all dressed in different costumes, they were all so proud and with the audience of 150 gave a standing ovation, happened at a Blue and Gold Banquet.
On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Lisa Bolsinger!