Steve Sheston first brought his enthusiasm and energy to his troop in 2013. It is no surprise to those who know him that he was recognized with the Scouting Spirit Award the first year he joined.
After serving as an Assistant Scoutmaster for 1 year, Steve is now starting his 4th year as Scoutmaster. Smaller troops, including Troop 5, Troop 70, and Troop 37 have accepted his invitation to camp with his troop. This not only increases fellowship for the Scouts in his own troop but allows smaller troops that he invites to camp in areas they might not otherwise experience.
Steve is a Woodbadge-trained leader who is also a member of the Cub Day Camp Committee and is preparing a display for camp. He has assisted with property work at Camp Klaus both on workdays and on OA-sponsored fellowship weekends. He is the builder of the famous 9 Square Game that is often enjoyed at Camp Klaus during the summer.
Steve also provided adult leadership to the Timmeu lodge contingent at the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference.