The Northeast Iowa Council is pleased to honor Travis Mensen as a Spotlight Volunteer! Travis received the Dellaykee District Award of Merit for 2017, and the Dellaykee District Scouts BSA Scouter of the Year for 2021!
Travis Mensen started Scouting as a parent willing to help whenever he could, assisting at den meetings. He then joined as a committee member and within a year took the position of den leader for his youngest son’s tiger den. He was a den leader from Tiger all the way to Webelos 2. During this same time Travis was helping with Boy Scout Troop 34 after his oldest son crossed over. He volunteered to be an Assistant Scoutmaster while he was still serving as a Webelos Den leader. Travis currently serves as the Scoutmaster for Troop 34 with both of his sons in the troop. His main goal is to train the boys on how to run a boy led troop.
Travis currently serves as Scoutmaster of Troop 34, Assistant Scoutmaster and Co-Founder of Troop 137, and Webelos Den Leader of Pack 35
Travis will be married to his amazing wife, Meghan, for 20 years this summer. They have 4 children – Matthew: Eagle 2021, Nicholas: Life, Erin – 1st Class, and Jenelle – Webelos 1. Travis works as an Electrical Engineering Lab Manager in Cedar Rapids. Outside of Scouts he enjoys fishing, hunting, rock climbing, and is a volunteer member of the Masonville Fire Department.
What motivates you to give your time to Scouting?
I love the people involved in scouting. I want my family to grow up in an environment that will have good influences. Genuinely good people who care about growing youth and having a good time doing amazing activities.
What aspects of Scouting do you enjoy the most?
The goal is to grow everyone, Scouts, and leaders. We’re not trying to stop anyone from succeeding, which is the case in so many youth activities. I enjoy so many activities that it’s hard to choose. Rock climbing is the activity that I enjoy most. I like the challenge, and love to give Scouts an opportunity that most people don’t think exists in Iowa.
What have you learned through Scouting?
Too much to list. Rock climbing, COPE, back country backpacking, winter camping, and so much learned with rank advancements and merit badges.
Please share a favorite Scouting memory.
My favorite memory is going to Sea Base in 2018 after our Philmont trip was cancelled due to wildfires. I planned the trip to Sea Base in 2 days for a crew of 8. We were there 2 weeks later. We camped on an island for Scout use only, kayaked, snorkeled, fished, and relaxed. It was a great experience with lifetime memories.
On behalf of the Northeast Iowa Council, please help us say thank you to a very dedicated Scouter, Travis Mensen!