Troop: 7Eagle Project Location: Roosevelt Middle School in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Chase constructed a 9-hole disc golf course at Roosevelt Middle School. Holes were dug and posts set in concrete with removable baskets so they can be taken down in the winter months. Pavers were set at each tee box. What does the […]
Category: 2023 Eagle Scout
Eagle Scout Joseph Neiers
Troop: 40Eagle Project Location: Clayton County, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Joseph cleared the savanna area of invasive multifloral rose bushes, making the area more accessible for hiking and nature preserve for Clayton County Conservation. What does the accomplishment of earning the Eagle Scout Rank mean to you? Earning Eagle Scout means to me that dedication […]
Eagle Scout Mason Henry
Troop: 94Eagle Project Location: Sunnycrest Manor in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Mason prepared the ground, poured a 14 ‘x20’ cement pad, and constructed and placed a 12’ handicap accessible picnic table on the slab at Sunnycrest Manor in Dubuque. Mason also planted a tree next to the area. What does the accomplishment of earning […]
Eagle Scout Benjamin Steinbeck
Troop: 86Eagle Project Location: Bellevue Swimming Pool in Bellevue, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Benjamin cleaned, scraped, rinsed, and re-painted the vessel of the Bellevue Swimming pool.
Eagle Scout Wesley Devaney
Troop: 34Eagle Project Location: Manchester Fish Hatchery in Manchester, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Wesley rebuilt a kiosk and canopy at the Manchester Fish Hatchery. Wes led his team to remove the old structure, digging, leveling and pouring concrete for a new cement pad. They then constructed a much larger structure with cover and added a […]
Eagle Scout Thomas Feyen
Troop: 51Eagle Project Location: Asbury Park in Asbury, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Thomas installed solar charging stations in three locations throughout Asbury Park. Stations were constructed, mounted on posts, and set in the ground with concrete. Thomas also mounted informational signs informing people of the benefits of solar power. What does the accomplishment of earning […]
Eagle Scout Dalton Runde
Troop: 94Eagle Project Location: City Park in Sherrill, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Dalton constructed and installed a gaga ball pit at Sherrill City Park. Two benches were constructed and set outside of the gaga ball pit for players to rest, as well as wood chips spread on the interior of the playing surface.
Eagle Scout Logan Simon
Troop: 51Eagle Project Location: Dubuque YMCA Camp in Dubuque, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Logan replaced eight picnic tables at Dubuque’s YMCA Camp in honor of his grandmother who worked there for 27 years. He led the team to cut and assemble new picnic tables, providing a safe area for youth to eat while at camp.
Eagle Scout Jensen Wedeking
Troop: 86Eagle Project Location: David Ensign Memorial Park in Bellevue, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Jensen hung sunshades over all sections of bleachers at David Ensign Memorial Park in Bellevue, Iowa. The shades provide protection from the sun during baseball and softball games, as well as a barrier between spectators and foul balls. What does the […]
Eagle Scout Collin Henkels
Troop: 32Eagle Project Location: Froelich Foundation in Froelich, Iowa Eagle Project Description: Collin completed several projects at the Froelich Foundation in Froelich, IA. Collin organized crews to scrape and paint the rental and storage buildings, as well as scrape and paint the six picnic tables within the rental structure. Before completing the painting of the […]