Eagle Scout Austin Hammel

Troop: 5

Eagle Project Location: YMCA Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa

Eagle Project: Austin constructed an 8′ tall, 16′ long bouldering wall at the Dubuque YMCA Union Park Day Camp. The area was cleared, footings set, then the boards attached between the footings. The bouldering hand/foot holds were attached to the new wall and the area around dug out and mulch placed.

What does the accomplishment of earning the Eagle Scout Rank mean to you?

To prove to myself that I can do great things even in hard times

If you had to describe your entire Scouting experience with just one word, what word would you choose? Why?

Life. Scouting has become my life and is my future. 

In today’s world, where leadership in crucial, how do you believe the values and skills you’ve gained as an Eagle Scout can make a difference?

Yes scouts is more than just an activity it’s a way for kids to grow as people.

By doing your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people?

It’s hard, people naturally want to take control.

What advice would you give to younger Scout who aspire to become Eagle Scouts?

Do everything you can, worse can you hate it and learn about yourself. 

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.

My CIT year at camp. It taught me about myself and I made lots of friends.