Eagle Scout Charles Kingsley

Troop: 14

Eagle Project Location: Dunleith Park in East Dubuque, Illinois

Eagle Project: Charles constructed, painted, and set two recycling stations for Dunleith Park in East Dubuque, IL. Each station has three compartments so recyclables can be separated, helping keep the park clean and from recyclable materials from going into the landfill.

What does the accomplishment of earning the Eagle Scout Rank mean to you?

It means that I am able to lead, and be able to know that I accomplished something that can mean so much.

If you had to describe your entire Scouting experience with just one word, what word would you choose? Why?

Leadership, because scouting teaches you the way to become a good leader.

In today’s world, where leadership in crucial, how do you believe the values and skills you’ve gained as an Eagle Scout can make a difference?

I can become a successful leader, and help when it can be done

By doing your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people?

I learned that leading people might not always work out, but it can teach you many things. 

What advice would you give to younger Scout who aspire to become Eagle Scouts?

To keep pushing and never give up even when times can be tough.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.

I would say going up to the boundary waters, because we all had a fun time up there .