Eagle Scout Ethan Kearney

Troop: 94
Eagle Project Location: Julien Dubuque Monument in Dubuque, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Ethan reconstructed the stairs on the trail by the Julien Dubuque Monument. Erosion and wash out was causing the current trail to deteriorate quickly. Stairs were redone, landscaping completed, and grass seed added to help stabilize the ground.

What does the accomplishment of earning the Eagle Scout Rank mean to you?

That all of the hard work throughout the years has paid off from going from being in Cub Scouts to making Eagle.

If you had to describe your entire Scouting experience with just one word, what word would you choose? Why?

Extronity, because of everything you learn

In today’s world, where leadership in crucial, how do you believe the values and skills you’ve gained as an Eagle Scout can make a difference?

People know what it takes to be an Eagle Scout.

By doing your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people?

That anything can get done if you put your mind to it. 

What advice would you give to younger Scout who aspire to become Eagle Scouts?

Stick with it and get your Eagle.

Please share a favorite Scouting memory.

Philmont New Mexico, when my ranger on the last day brought us out pizza and ice cream.