Eagle Scout Mason Henry

Troop: 94
Eagle Project Location: Sunnycrest Manor in Dubuque, Iowa

Eagle Project Description: Mason prepared the ground, poured a 14 ‘x20’ cement pad, and constructed and placed a 12’ handicap accessible picnic table on the slab at Sunnycrest Manor in Dubuque. Mason also planted a tree next to the area.

What does the accomplishment of earning the Eagle Scout Rank mean to you?

Eagle Scout is an accomplishment that not all scouts complete so it is very reawrding. 

If you had to describe your entire Scouting experience with just one word, what word would you choose? Why?

Adventure. Because everything I did was an adventure from the campouts, to the high adventures.

In today’s world, where leadership in crucial, how do you believe the values and skills you’ve gained as an Eagle Scout can make a difference?

Help get future jobs and future challenges.

By doing your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people?

That it can be a challenge.